Dear Rilke, We Are All Travelers
Video installation consisting of four channels.
The work is influenced by Rainer Maria Rilke's poem: The Duino Elegies which it founded on Rilke’s knowledge of
Picasso’s painting Les Saltimbanques which depicts a family of traveling acrobats.
" But who are they, tell me, these Travelers, even more
transient than we are ourselves, urgently, from their earliest days,
wrung out for whom – to please whom,
by a never-satisfied will? "
Rainer Maria Rilke, from the The Fifth Elegy.
To be a traveller is to be somewhere between departure and arrival.
And because we are always somewhere between two points,
we are actually in an eternal state of traveling.
we are the eternal travelers.
channel 1
> 13 seconds, loop, sound. Performer: Anders Wolhar.
channel 2
> 16 seconds, loop, silent. Performer: Anders Wolhar.
channel 3
> 22 seconds, loop, silent. Performer: Anders Wolhar.
channel 4
> 18 seconds, loop, silent. Performer: Anders Wolhar.
Selected installation view
> Galerie Majke Hüsstege, 's-Hertogenbosch, NL, 2008.
© Sadik Kwaish Alfraji