Godot to Come Yesterday
Consisting of 1 animation channel and series of lambda-prints.
artist statement
"Godot, that would never come, is something which I believe exists inside me.
And as I cannot wait for what I am not able to comprehend or visualize, I actually wait for something that does not extend beyond the borders of my knowledge, imagination or visualization.
I, by that know Godot
He resides there as I wait
Always there as I wait
In my memory
In the dream
In the hope
There, where my hands cannot reach
He is, in other words, what I long to be
Or, he is just me as I wish to be and cannot
Godot was I when I could fly
He is the freedom that I do not possess the way I like, other than in my mind."
> Godot to come yesterday, Animation, 2013, duration 12:58 minutes, sound.
Selected stills
Selected prints
> series 1: Waiting for Godot, 2011, each 100 x 200 cm. Lambda print, Diasec mounting.
> series 2: Waiting for Godot, 2011, each 250 x 125 cm. Lambda print, Diasec mounting.
> series 3: Waiting for Godot, 2011, each 125 x 125 cm. Lambda print, Diasec mounting.
> series 4: > Waiting for Godot, 2011, each 100 x 200 cm. Lambda print, Diasec mounting.
© Sadik Kwaish Alfraji