War Scraps at Lemvig Museum
Video & photography.
Consists of a series of photographs and single channel video.
This work was done in collaboration with the Lemvig Museum and commissioned by ET4U, Contemporary Visual Art Project in Denmark.
The work is about certain items from the collection of Lemvig Museum that belongs to a German's refugee camp in Denmark in World War II. These items consist of a handmade Notebook written by a girl who was a resident in the camp, photo albums and other ready made objects. The artist used these materials as well as the walls of a Bunker, which was a hospital during the war and now known as Bunker Museum, to develop a concept of peace and love.
War Scraps at Lemvig Museum
single channel video, 2017, duration: 18:14 minutes, sound.
Selected video stills
Selected photographs, series 1
> Source: The Autographs at Lemvig museum.
Selected photographs, series 2
> Source: Photo albums at Lemvig museum.
Selected photographs, series 3
> Source: Photo albums at Lemvig museum.
Selected photographs, series 4
> Source: inside & outside the HospitalsBunker, Rom Flyveplads, Lemvig
Selected photographs, series 5
> Source: Cemetery, Archive, & map of Flygtningelejren ved Rom (Refugee Camp at Rom).
installation view
> installation view at Bunkermuseum (HospitalsBunker), Rom Flyveplads, Lemvig, Denmark. 2017
© Sadik Kwaish Alfraji